The day when we can enjoy little pleasures; 

The day when we stop to chase materialistic life ;

The same day we will blessed with all happiness in life .

The day when twinkle of stars will be more precious ;

The day when owning a private jet seems worthless ;

The same day we will be satisfied no matter what .

The day when all attachments will be proved illusory ;

The day when we stop chasing pleasure of greatness ;

The same day we will realize our lives were no such mess .

The day when our goals are not more ‘ours’ ;

The day when we introspect ourselves ;

The same day we’ll find world a better place .

The day when we learn the art of living ;

The day when sacrifice will do wonders than owning ;

The same day we’ll learn the simplest trick of living .

The  day when we’ll know the purpose we are here ;

The day when mansions and bunglow will seem a bait mere ;

The same day a sudden sense of mental peace will be there.

The day when we have no complains with ourselves ;

The day when we accept and love what we are ;

The same day our mind and soul will end up the war .


Strokes brimming with grief; 

Humanity got divorced from sigh of relief.

Air of mournfulness spreading the gloom ;

Sometimes , I feel like we are embracing the day of doom. 

Surrounded by the graves of the humanity;

Bloodsheds and wars proclaiming their victory. 

Selling their weapons in the name of the religion. 

Sadist don’t know that definition. 

Dire picture and aching melody; 

I yelled my heart , here ,  in this elegy ;


Don’t give your throne to the sinister ; 

Suffocating love and peace can’t even whisper. 

– ANUPRIYA  Continue reading “Melancholy”

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